Thursday, August 9, 2007

Sturgis ministry shines light of Christ into massive Harley rally

Sturgis,which brings up to a half-million people to the Black Hills for a week of motorcycle competitions –- a far bigger crowd than virtually any sporting event in the world. This year's rally began Aug. 6 and runs through Aug. 12.
The rumbling procession of big bad Harleys and Harley wannabes entering one end of Main Street can be deafening, drowning out most conversations. At the other end of Main, volunteers at the Dakota Baptist Convention's evangelism booth call out to people walking by, offering them a chance to win the gleaming black 2007 Harley Dyna Glide parked on the sidewalk.
What do they have to do to get a free ticket? Give up three minutes of their time and listen to a person give his or her Christian testimony. In the first four days of Sturgis this year, 2,643 people listened to a three-minute Gospel presentation at Dakota's evangelism booth. Of those, 404 made professions of faith.

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